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SZN of Moms

I was browsing my IG feed when I came across a free writing workshop this weekend. I wanted so bad to go but I was reminded that:
- I've no helper so I can't leave the kids yet
- I've so many things on my plate this week already

As a mom, there are so many things that you want to do but it's hard to find the time and the energy to do them all. I remember when we went to the beach last year, I was reminded of this truth all so well.

At that time, Ciara was only 4 months old and Pia was 3 years old (yup! We're that kind of parents, na dinadala ang mga junakis kahit saan haha). For all the moms of very littles, you know that when you go on a vacation in a different place, you're basically just parenting in a different location. 

It's truly more exhausting to haul everyone in the car and in a hotel than just to stay at home... So you have to have the right mindset for it, dapat handa ka sa kahit among sakuna! Haha! But yes, kahit naman nakakapagod, we always find ourselves booking the next family trip come the following month... (mga hindi na nadala diba :P) 

But the exhaustion is usually always worth it because the kids come home with happy memories despite the pile of laundry and the depleted energy you go home to after the said vacay...

So back to my story,  so ayun na nga, nagbeach kami last year with the little ones. And there was a time when I wanted to swim with the rest but I know that this is not a feasible task because someone had to look after the kiddos, so salitan kami ni Dennis... After they went for a swim, I had the kids napped at our room... When they came back, I wanted to go for a swim so I asked Dennis to go with me, but then hindi keri because Ciara was about to doze off again and someone had to look after her...

Ang ending, nagswimming ako magisa! And while I was in the pool, I realized that "hey, this isn't so bad after all..." And I remembered the season that I was in: 

It wasn't the season for late night hang outs,
Or swimming with the rest of the gang, 
It wasn't the time for spontaneous date nights, 
Or climbing the corporate ladder, 
It wasn't the season for binge-watching every Kdrama on Netflix,
Or for sleeping in late on weekends.
But it was the time with the little ones, 
It was the time for waking up early to cuddles and being smothered on the face with wet diapers (hello Ciara!), 
It was the time for picking up things under the table half the time when you dine out outside, 
It was the time for messy tables and broken fixtures at home,
It was the time for rushing home early
because your child is waiting for you.
It was the time for stretching your patience to unpacified tantrums, 
And realizing that you have so much to learn about patience and grace,
It was the season for choosing which to prioritize in your career,
And upholding flexibility in every career choice you make,
It was the season for carved-out solitude and intentional devotional time, 
And the time when you realize that you need the Holy Spirit unlike any other time,
Because it was the time when you know that as a mom, a lot of things are not under your control.

So you pace your steps,

And you learn the neverending rhythms of grace,

It was the season when you feel that so much was taken from you, 
But when you look at the tiny faces that reflect yours, 
You realize that SO MUCH MORE was already given to you,

So you smile and realize that as challenging as some days turn out to be, 

It was for you to enjoy,

          And discover that this szn isn't so bad after all, 


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