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Showing posts from August, 2021

We lost our Baby... and I had Covid (Part 4)

August 6 "O baka naman positive pa ko sa Covid niyan ha..." I jokingly told Dennis before I had my swab test last week. We just finished my ultrasound for the nth time to see if I still need to undergo raspa and was given a deadline by my OB that if by the following week there would still be remaining products of conception, then I need to go through raspa... I was already sad with that news so imagine how shocked I was when the swab results came out and I found out that, on top of everything we were dealing with, I was indeed covid positive.

We lost our baby (Part 3)

AUGUST 7 I haven't really gathered my thoughts enough for this post to sound coherent, but hey who says you have to wait for that eureka moment before writing down what's in your heart, right? Maybe I will just keep this under my personal file... forever saved under the drafts folder for my eyes only to look back on what happened years from now... It's August 7 today and well, I hope I can say all is finally well and my body has fully recovered, but that's not what happened. So no, I am not yet OKAY.