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It was my first time to attend a prophetic presbytery event last Thursday and it was so encouraging to witness how God empowers His people to tell you things that you need to hear... Prayers that were uttered in secret, your thoughts and worries that only God knows, even forgotten dreams and desires.. It's right there in the open, being spoken by someone whom you just met for the very first time.

Remember my last post and how I was asking for your prayers because this is a time of stretching for me in the ministry? Well here's the first half of what was said to me during the event and you'll see what I mean when I say just how amazing our God is. :)

What I sense is a woman of excellence and you're one who wants to make things right, yung mga detail dapat tama lahat, and its very admirable, its something that God has blessed you with... but even in this season of the church with a lot of expansion, a lot of growth, sometimes its stretching you and you're gonna be stretch some more for there's going to be more growth says the Lord your God... 

and sometimes you feel just the physical, not just the physical, but there's a  weariness that has come upon you and the Lord's even saying, remember those who are weary and heavy laden, I will give rest, but as you come before me, there's an exchange that God is doing, sometimes you tend to carry the burdens by yourself-- the load by yourself --know that yes, it is written, I will be the one to carry the burden. Sometimes you see yourself as carrying that but I want you to picture this, that as you carry that burden, I am the one to carry you... I am carrying you so just remove the burden and give it to me says the Lord and i will be the one to carry you, mas magaan yun...

But even right now the excellence that you exude is what is needed as well, this is an excellent church and I believe that you are one who can disciple, who can raise up and even as you're a tremendous blessing to the kids ministry, this is just the first stop, there so many more, so many expansion of your role...

I believe that you have roles that are going to be placed on your lap but know that it is not going to be your power and your own strength, but it is going to be by my Spirit, says the Lord your God...

...And as you just continue to serve, there are gifts, you will begin to flow into that, and you will begin to find as well, there are gifts that are latent right now but you, hindi mo pa maano, but it will come out as you continue to serve, as the church continue to expand and as you flow through that, you will be just a tremendous blessing to this leadership, to this church, and know that not only kids church be blessed but this church, as a whole will be blessed through you...

and know even as your name's sake, joy, joy is whats gonna mark your life, seasons when the enemy tried to steal that...  know that God is just going to bless you with that over and over again, joy will mark your life, when you come in and when you go out, there's gonna be joy, and its never gonna be taken away from you...

Now as I was transcribing this, that was when past conversations, past writings, etc came to my mind... making everything click and reminding me just how powerful and immensely personal our God is. Aside from the blog post I wrote here days before the presbytery, I also had a conversation with my Victory group leader an hour before the word was given to me. I was telling her about the times I gave prophetic words to a few women... how 2 of them cried and how as I prophecy, the images that I see become more specific and clear. However, I also had this one time when I didn't know what those images mean... So I was asking her what to do when I didn't how what to say or how to interpret the images. So imagine me nodding my head when the Pastor was telling me about my latent spiritual gifts na hindi ko pa maano (see paragraph 5 above :P)

So what makes a prophecy so special it the God behind it. He is the source of all these words and it arrests me to be reminded that He listens, sees, knows and He even emphatizes with everything that's going on with me.

He is faithful, loving and a personal God.. I started tearing up on the last paragraph as I listen to the recording over and over again. To be blessed with joy wherever I go is more than I could hope for.. it's something that will never be taken away from me -- and that has been my prayer since highschool -- that I may be a blessing, a real joy to every person I meet. I've already forgotten about that but this prophecy reminded me of what I wrote on that paper 10 years ago.

He knows, He remembers, He is here. God is the great thing about prophecy. :)


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